Peppermint and Narcosis Angelfish Surface at NYAquatic


NYAquatic Peppermint Angelfish

We have yet another peppermint angelfish sighting here in the US, and this time it is in New York. Online retailer NYAquatic has pulled out all of the stops with their last shipment, acquiring one of just a handful of peppermint angelfish entering into the country. Purchased from Blue Harbor in Japan, this beautiful one inch long angel has a price tag of just under $20,000, and is the just the third of its kind to enter the US that we have been able to confirm (excluding Hawaii’s Waikiki Aquarium). We fully expect there to be more, we just haven’t been able to confirm the total number. Regardless, this pep looks to be in great condition and it’s not the only rare gem at NYAquatic.

NYAquatic Narcosis Angelfish

As if a $20K fish weren’t enough, the online retailer also has a similarly sized narcosis angelfish, which is just another five figure fish that is coming to the states via Blue Harbor. The narcosis angelfish is rare in its own right, but its presence is being overshadowed by the peppermint angelfish in a drastic way. The narcosis angel is listed at roughly $10,000.

Links to the fish’s respective pages on the NYAquatic website:

Peppermint Angelfish

Narcosis Angelfish


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