Moody Gardens is a privately owned aquarium and rainforest exhibit that is open to the public. Because it’s located on Galveston Island, Texas, it is within a reasonable driving distance from us so we have gotten the chance to go there on many occasions. Unfortunately, the exhibit was hit pretty hard by hurricanes over the last several years, from which they’ve had a hard time recovering from.
August 2012
Behind the Scenes Tour – March 2010
- Frogspawn
- Blue Striped Pipefish
- Moody Gardens Behind the Scenes
- Fish Feeding Schedule
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Striped Shrimpfish
- Zebra Shark Egg
- Moody Gardens
- Large Display Reef Aquarium
- Kenya Tree Coral
- Coldwater Anemone Aquarium
- Softy Reef Tank
- Large RK2 Protein Skimmer
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens Penguin Exhibit
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Soft Coral Reef Tank
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- The AquaNerd Behind the Scenes
- Biologist Killing Aiptasia
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Fuzzy Mushrooms
- Surge Device Over Coral Tank
- Huge Anemone Tank
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Turtle in South Pacific Aquarium
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Pearly Jawfish
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Anemone Display Tank
- Turtle in South Pacific Aquarium
- Bottom of South Pacific Exhibit
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Frag Tank
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens Tour
- Sea Lion Skeleton
- Caribbean Gorgnia
- Stonefish