Eshopps has been a very budget friendly aquarium equipment producer for a long time, and they’ve got a brand new line of dosers coming out that should be a welcomed sight for hobbyists looking to shy away from manual dosing methods. Available in two models, the Eshopps IV-200 and IV-300 are said to be easy to program, can be used in fresh or saltwater, and offers flow volumes as little as 1ml. The two models are distinguishable by the lack or presence of an on-board controller. The Eshopps IV-200 is the master unit that houses two pumps and the controller, while the IV-300 serves as the slave unit and adds three additional pumps to the mix. The main unit can control up to 8 total channels, or itself plus two slave dosers.
In terms of pricing and availability, the master unit will run $279 and the slave unit is listed at $229, with each being available online wherever Eshopps products are sold.