When EcoTech Marine debuted their ReefLink wireless control hardware, Radion users rejoiced. Finally, after months and months of waiting patiently, they had full wireless control of their LED lights. But that wasn’t the only thing ReefLink was bringing to the table. EcoTech Marine, who was originally founded on the backs of their amazing water pump technology, had special plans to incorporate the wireless control into their VorTech pumps as well. The pumps themselves have had wireless functionality for many years, but it was limited to pump-to-pump communication so as to create synchronized and anti-sync wave patterns. Still, hobbyists drooled over the idea of syncing their pumps to an elaborate lighting schedule and being able to control all of that wirelessly…and now that time has finally arrived.
EcoTech Marine’s latest updates to their EcoSmart Live software now includes settings for the VorTechs, allowing hobbyists to control their pumps via the internet and mobile devices. The software has all of the native wave modes of the EcoSmart controllers, but adds to that with greater precision of control, as well as a few other nice touches that will probably result in you never actually touching the physical control hardware ever again.
In the video above, EcoTech Marine quickly steps us through the updates. It’s not as in-depth as we’d like , but enough to wet or whistles for now.