Bay Area Reefers Hosting a Workshop for Coral and Fish Breeding Enthusiasts


Bay Area Reefers Breeding Workshop

Captive breeding of marine ornamental species is a quickly growing trend in the aquarium hobby. And thanks to the efforts of certain individuals and organizations, that trend continues its skyward march as breeding knowledge and techniques become more available to a wider audience. One such organization that’s doing its fair share of furthering hobbyist knowledge in the realm of aquaculture is the Bay Area Reefers (BAR), an aquarium club base in California’s Bay Area. They are hosting their first ever Bay Area Reefers Breeding and Propagation Workshop, and while this isn’t an annually scheduled event as of yet, the BAR board of directors would surely like to make it so.

The single-day mini conference will take place on October 13th from 11am to 3pm at the Chabot Community College. It will feature a pair of guest speakers, Tal Sweet and Richard Ross, with admission being totally free…which is quite refreshing to see. Some coral vendors will also be at the workshop selling 100% aquacultured livestock and a generous raffle will round out the day’s activities.

Tal, an renowned fish breeder based in Michigan, will head up the discussion on fish breeding while Richard Ross of the California Academy of Science will enlighten attendees on coral propagation. Both of these gentleman are well traveled aquarium shown speakers who never seem to disappoint.

Bay Area Reefers Breeding and Propagation Workshop


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