New Deltec TC and SC Skimmers
It looks as though Deltec is back at it. They are introducing three new models each having an internal and an external version. Additionally, Deltec has developed their own pumps and “spent months getting the right amount of air for the lowest possible power consumption”. These skimmers were purposely designed for larger systems and for aquarists who wanted high performance. This new line was developed to outperform the previous line of skimmers, which were themselves great performing protein skimmers.
Each model offers up a remote drain of skimmer cup, air silencers, micro adjustable settings, high water flow through, an option self cleaning system, and a new color scheme.
Below is some model information taken from the D&D webisite:
Deltec TC2060 (external version, the TC stands for Twin Chamber)
Deltec SC2060 (internal version, the SC stands for Single Chamber)
- Designed to replace and outperform the Deltec AP701/AP851
- Total air produced – 1000 lts/hour
- Power consumption – to be determined.
- Neck diameter 110mm
- Tank Suitability 1400 lts heavy stocking 1700 lts normal stocking
Anticipated UK Retail Price – £679.00
Deltec TC2560 (external version, the TC stands for Twin Chamber)
Deltec SC2560 (internal version, the SC stands for Single Chamber)
- Designed to replace and outperform the Deltec AP902
- Total air produced – 1500 lts/hour
- Power consumption 25W
- Neck diameter 140mm
- Tank Suitability 2000 lts heavy stocking 2400 lts normal stocking

Deltec SC2560 Protein Skimmer
Anticipated UK Retail Price – £959.00
Deltec TC3070 (external version, the TC stands for Twin Chamber)
Deltec SC3070 (internal version, the SC stands for Single Chamber)
- Significantly exceeds performance of AP1004
- Total air produced – 3000 lts/hour
- Power consumption 2 x 25W
- Neck diameter 160mm
- Tank Suitability 4000 lts heavy stocking 4800 lts normal stocking

Deltec TC3070 Protein Skimmer
Anticipated UK Retail Price – £1439.00
These skimmers will release in UK first, but will quickly make their way to the United States. The previous line of skimmers was full of solid performers, and these are expected to raise the bar.
For more information, take a peak at D&D’s Website.
Permissions and Sources:
D&D The Aquarium Solution
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