I was out an about today and stopped by one of my favorite local fish stores, All About Fish. I browsed around the beautiful display tanks and noticed tons of clownfish, including an ORA Snowflake Ocellaris clownfish. After looking around the shop a bit, I finally stumbled upon two tanks that held two pairs of very interesting clownfish. The tank on the left held a pair of ORA Platinum Picasso clownfish, which we wrote about a couple months back in this article: ORA Platinum Picasso Clownfish. This was the first time I’ve really seen them in person.

Wyoming White Clownfish
But I was even more surprised to see what was in the tank on the right…a pair of C-Quest “Wyoming White” Ocellaris clownfish. These look very similar to the Platinum Picasso except they are Ocellaris clownfish and have a bit more orange on their face and fins.

Platinum Picasso Percula Clownfish from ORA
*Picture of the ORA Platinum Picasso Clown take from ORA
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