The ProfiLux 3 Screen…The ProfiView3
Unlike other aquarium controllers on the market, GHL will be launching the ProfiView3, a remote screen for the ProfiLux 3 controller. This screen will not only be remote, but it will give you remote functionality, allowing you to interface with your ProfiLux aquarium controller from anywhere in your house, or wherever the system is located. In addition to being able to simply interface with your controller, the new screen will also allow you to view on-board graphs and access other functions.
The ProfiView3 is expected to be released sometime in 2010.
The Built-in Webserver
In addition to a ton of features and gadgets, the ProfiLux 3 will also have an on-board webserver. Though most of the details about this product have yet to be released, according to GHL, the server will have a built-in SMTP client and the ability to upload your own web pages to it.

Profilux III Controller
How Much Will it Cost?
With good looks and spectacular functionality comes a hefty price. The basic ProfiLux 3 controller with a temp probe will set you back $600. Some good news for current ProfiLux 2 users…they can upgrade their unit, instead of having to purchase a completely new one. The price may seem steep, but given all of the functions that can be performed and all of the engineering involved, the price tag is not unreasonable.
When Can I Get One?
According to GHL, they will be shipping the ProfiLux 3 and the upgrade kit for the ProfiLux 2 in the month of November.
Permissions and Sources:
All images and content originally provided by Michael Hall and Aqua Digital Inc, Distributors for GHL ProfiLux GmbH
ProfiLux 3 on Reef Central