JBJ LED Nano Cube
LED lighting is all the craze right now in aquarium illumination. The LED uses very little electricity, puts out very little heat, doesn’t put out harmful UV rays, and the bulbs

LED Hood on Nano Cube
last for a very long time.
With this new LED trend in mind, JBJ-USA is about to release their new 28-gallon LED Nano Cube. This new Nano Cube features twenty-five 3 watt 14K LEDs for daytime viewing, four 3 watt actinic/466nm LEDs for dawn and dusk effects, and two 1 watt moon light LEDs. The total wattage for the lighting system is 89 watts and the bulbs have a lifespan of about 50,000 hours. And according to JBJ, the 89 watt

LED Nano Cube Hood
high-intensity LED system provides comparable PAR output to that of their 150 watt HQI canopy system that adorns other 28-gallon Nano Cubes, which is quite impressive. And don’t forget, with LED lighting you can get the same shimmer effect that you would with metal halides.
To keep the system cool, the 28-gallon LED Nano Cube

JBJ LED Nano Cube Hood
utilizes an active cooling system that is integrated right into the hood of the aquarium. This system is composed of four fans, an aluminum heat sink, and a thermal protector that will shut down the lighting system if the fans fail for whatever reason. In addition to these

JBJ LED Nano Cube Rear Chamber
innovations, the LEDs themselves radiate heat upwards, away from the water’s surface.
In addition to the improved lighting and cooling systems of this nano aquarium, the LED Nano Cube also uses two 266 gph (16 watt) return pumps that are operated on an Ocean Pulse Duo wave making device. The overflow for the aquarium is located on the center of the “false” wall and feed a 3-stage filter media basket. In addition

JBJ LED Nano Cube Wave Maker
to this, the redesigned filter basket is transparent to allow for a refugium to be used instead.
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