ReefLife Magazine Volume 1 Issue 4
There’s a new aquarium magazine on the market, called ReefLife Magazine. The magazine is only four issues old and I must say it certainly stands out in the crowd. Upon opening the front cover, you’re immediately greeted with a brief article, not advertisements or the table of contents. As you progress through the issue, each article is loaded with high quality images and accurate content from recognizable figures in the marine aquarium world. The magazine doesn’t focus its attention on tons of advertisements, but replaces them with helpful and informative content. I enjoyed my brief time with the magazine so much that I just had to buy it, despite the fact that is was about $8 and I already have a ton of aquarium magazines collecting dust at home. I’ll give it a more thorough look through and I am already strongly leaning toward purchasing a subscription.
At least check the ReefLife Magazine out and see if you like it. I enjoyed it and will be looking forward to future issues.