My local aquarium club, MARSHReef, got to take a behind the scenes tour of the Aquarium Pyramid at Moody Gardens. The tour was nice, but nothing new for me since I worked there in college. The display tanks weren’t in the greatest shape, but we have to remember that Moody Gardens and the entire southeast Houston area was devastated by Hurricane Ike about a year and a half ago. In fact, some of the exhibits haven’t even opened back up yet. On the trip, we visited the penguin exhibit, the aquarium’s filtration systems, and pretty much every place off limits to the general public.
All in all though, the trip was fun. I go to meet fellow marine biologists, go a few places I’ve never been before (at this particular facility), and got to hang out with aquarium keeping friends.
We took a ton of pictures, but not all of them turned out that great…and some where just of people, which is boring to look at. But see our gallery below:
- The AquaNerd Behind the Scenes
- Frogspawn
- Coldwater Anemone Aquarium
- Anemone Display Tank
- Zebra Shark Egg
- Large RK2 Protein Skimmer
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens Tour
- Kenya Tree Coral
- Caribbean Gorgnia
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Moody Gardens Penguin Exhibit
- Frag Tank
- Huge Anemone Tank
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Surge Device Over Coral Tank
- Pearly Jawfish
- Sea Lion Skeleton
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Fuzzy Mushrooms
- Turtle in South Pacific Aquarium
- Striped Shrimpfish
- Softy Reef Tank
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Fish Feeding Schedule
- Moody Gardens Behind the Scenes
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens
- Soft Coral Reef Tank
- Biologist Killing Aiptasia
- Moody Gardens South Pacific Tank
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Moody Gardens Filtration
- Blue Striped Pipefish
- Stonefish
- Turtle in South Pacific Aquarium
- Large Display Reef Aquarium
- Bottom of South Pacific Exhibit
- Moody Gardens Filtration