The AquaNerd Photobook

The AquaNerd Photo Book

The AquaNerd Photo Book

I was browsing the thousands of photos I’ve taken over the past few years and I decided to try make something of them. Recalling a photobook a friend had given my wife for our wedding, I decided to a photobook of my own. This book will not feature pictures of my wife and I, much to the dismay of the misses. Instead, the photobook will focus on saltwater fish and corals. The project is just getting started, but I’ve got around 90 pictures gathered up and the layout is currently being hammered out. If all goes well, this book might become available to purchase, but I can’t promise anything. I’m assuming the book will be 20+ pages, and the more images I can take (or get a hold of) the better. Above is an example of the cover of the book. Again, this project is in the early stages and the book cover above might not end up as the actual cover when all is said and done.

Would you like to contribute images to the AquaNerd Photobook? Simply EMAIL US a high resolution image (the higher the resolution the better), as well as your real name and other contact information. We will review all the pictures we receive, and if your image is selected, it will be featured in the book. Your name will accompany the image (in the caption) as well.


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