This past weekend, one of my favorite local fish stores was having a 24th anniversary sale. My local aquarium club was involved and I couldn’t resist the trip despite the fact that the store is about an hour drive away from my house and I’ve been working non-stop for the last two weeks. So I gathered up all my camera gear and made the long haul. I arrived shortly before their big raffle item (a 90-gallon aquarium full blown setup) was being given away. After the winner was announced, about 50 disappointed people moped out of the store, leaving me with very few distractions and plenty of corals to photograph. I had my tripod in hand, so the pictures came out pretty good in my opinion. A gallery has been attached below.
- ORA Bird of Paradise
- Acropora Colony Closeup Picture
- Moseleya latistellata Closeup
- Yellow Eyed Green Chalice
- Neon Green Torch Coral
- ORA Bird of Paradise Closeup
- Acropora Granulosa
- Moseleya latistellata
- Blue Anthelia Snowflake Polyps
- Red and Green Chalice
- Green and Purple Encrusting Monti
- Acropora Coral Branch
- Orange Centered Acanthastrea Lordhowensis
- Flame Wrasse Over Acan Lord
- Orange Centered Acan Lord
- Blue Anthelia
- Neon Green Acropora Coral