The Twin Cities Marine Aquarium Society is hosting their TCMAS Frag Swap and Speaker Event on Saturday, November 13th. This event will feature guest speakers Randy Reed and Greg Hiller, as well as many different vendors. Randy will be speaking about feeding the reef aquarium, while Greg will focus on reef chemistry and aquarium disasters. And best of all, the event is FREE. That’s right, no cover charge due at the door. TCMAS has split the event into two separate parts, chronologically. The first half will focus on the speakers. After the speakers are down, the event will focus on frag swapping. This will allow for fewer distractions from the speakers, but also plenty of time to socialize with fellow hobbyists without having to miss a good discussion from an aquarium industry professional.
Surprisingly, Petco is on the list of vendors, but I guess I should be somewhat happy they are least getting involved in the aquarium community, though I still refuse to support them.