Direct Aquarium Loses Orphek Distributorship


I’m not sure what has been going on with Direct Aquarium lately, but it seems as though things are in disarray. They were sponsors of the AquaNerd Blog for a few months and used to carry Orphek LED lighting equipment, up until now at least. Orphek announced on their blog that Direct Aquarium will no longer be selling products from the lighting manufacturer. Instead, the LEDs will be sold through aquarium equipment powerhouse companies like Aquarium Specialty and Marine Depot. Orphek doesn’t go into any detail as to why Direct Aquarium is getting the boot, but rest assured all of the products sold through that company will still be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

As for their sponsorship on AquaNerd, the only comment that I can make is that there was a total breakdown in communication. I was informed that there was a change in ownership, but the new owners wanted to continue their sponsoring of this site. Shortly after that, all communications went silent and emails remain unanswered.


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