The Ultra Rare Liopropoma africanum Seen in B-Box Video


The extraordinarily beautiful African Basslet (Liopropoma africanum) is probably one of the rarest fish you’ll ever see in the aquarium trade. It first made its appearance onto the American aquarium scene only a couple of years ago, eventually selling for $2000, but it’s availability has been so limited that most hobbyists have never even heard about it, let alone seen a video of the rare beauty. The fish is so rare, in fact, that 2010 was the last time the basslet was ever seen stateside as far as we can tell. Fortunately for rare fish junkies, this Indian Ocean native has resurfaced, this time in the tanks of Japan-based B-Box Aquarium who wasted no time showing off their new prize in a video format. In the brief clip, the L. africanum isn’t doing anything amazing, but nervously floats in its holding chamber. Despite the lack of action, the fish still manages to amaze us and we hope if brightens up your Friday.


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