Christmas is less than a full week away and the end of the year will be here shortly after that. If you plan on doing any shopping for aquarium gear or livestock, the time to act is now! Today is Thursday, which means that anything but pricey overnight shipping or Saturday delivery is out of the question if you want your items in before Christmas, and you pretty much have to order today. If your item can wait until after Christmas, but you still need it by year’s end, then you still have a couple of days to play with. But since we all know you’re a procrastinator, we figured we’d drop a friendly reminder.
The other thing to consider is the operating hours and days of the company you are ordering from. If they let everyone go home on Friday and aren’t making them return until the Monday after Christmas week, then obviously there is zero chance of getting the item before the actual holiday. You might want to double check if the item you are ordering is in stock. Many times, website will allow you to order an item even though it may not be in stock at the time.
For ordering livestock, you’re going to go with overnight shipping anyways. The only things to consider here, other than what’s listed above, is to make sure you’re home when the package is dropped off. At the very least, the box shouldn’t sit out in the cold for numerous hours while you’re busy shopping for non-aquarist family members.
To alleviate all of this, you could always hit up the local fish stores. If they have the item in stock, then you can take it home that day.
To reiterate the main point…if you want to buy something, the time to do so is now!