Our friends at Ecoxotic have finally made their Panorama LED Aquarium Retrofit light available to hobbyists. This modular retrofit is basically a supersized Panorama Module and features 36 powerful LEDs, consuming only 42 watts of energy. It also sports a polished aluminum reflector, external LED driver with on/off switch, and a heatsink that keeps the light from requiring a fan, rendering this light dead silent. The light emitted from the fixture is a crisp white, with a hint of blue. Twenty-four of the LEDs are 10,000K white, with 453nm blue making up the other twelve.
Installation with the Panorama LED retrofit is a breeze. Ecoxotic makes using all of their products easy and convenient. The retrofit comes with all of the necessary hanging hardware, allowing for a straightforward and clean install. The fixture will run you about $350, but is expected to save you quite a bit if it’s replacing a metal halide setup.
A few more images can be seen below…
- Ecoxotic Panorama LED Aquarium Retrofit
- Ecoxotic Panorama LED Aquarium Retrofit
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