Win Some Dough from Vertex Aquaristik


Vertex Aquaristik Video Showcase

Vertex Aquaristik has recently announced a very generous contest/giveaway. To enter into the contest, you do have to own a piece of Vertex equipment though. However, given the prize amount, one might be tempted to go out and buy a piece of their equipment just to enter the contest. To enter the giveaway, you must submit links to your YouTube video showing off your Vertex product(s). The videos will be judged on creativity, how well you showcase the product, how memorable the content is and how it is delivered, the production quality, and lastly the number of Facebook Likes and YouTube hits. The first few are understandable, but I’d hate to see a great video not win simply because it wasn’t popular. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I’d hate to see a video of poorer quality win simply because it was “Liked” more. But not my contest, not my rules.

Anyone can enter into the contest, with unlimited submissions. The grand prize winner will receive a whopping $2000 gift card to purchase more Vertex products. The deadline for entries is December 26th, 2010 so be sure to get your videos started.


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