The Baby AquaNerd Has Arrived


We normally try to post a few aquarium related articles each day, but I’ve got a wonderful excuse not to have any new content for today…my wife and I had our first baby! Needless to say, I’ve been quite busy, but while I finally have a little downtime, I wanted to pop in and let everyone know that momma and baby are doing fine. I also wanted to say that a full on indoctrination of the the aquarium world has already begun. The hospital has a tv channel dedicated to relaxing scenery, and there was one focused purely on marine aquariums. And of course we watched it for a few hours.

As for the blog, I was originally planning to have a few articles already written up and scheduled to go live while we were at the hospital, but our sweet little girl decided to come three weeks early. Regardless, I’ll try to update with a few articles while momma and baby are asleep…or at least that’s the plan.


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