Like virtually every aquarium related event in existence, the 2012 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America was full of coral vendors and wholesales who really brought their “A” game. Gracing all if the frag tanks and display aquariums, and helping vendors show off new aquarium lighting gear, the corals ranges from small Zoanthids frags to huge Acropora colonies. The most abundant corals at the show were LPS, with chalices and Scolumina brain corals really hogging the spotlight. Similar to our Reef Tanks of MACNA video, this is a photo collection of the best corals we saw at the show. It’s a lot of photos, but a good representation of what we could all gawk at and what others got to take home.
- Red Rock Anemone at Innovative Marine
- Tridacna derasa at ORA
- Scolymia Coral at Tunze
- Yellow Eyed Chalice at Innovative Marine
- ReefKoi Fruity Pebbles Plate Coral
- Warpaint Scolymia at World Wide Corals
- Torch Coral at Kessil
- Red Speckled People Eaters at Orphek
- Scolymia at World Wide Corals
- Warpaint Scolymia at CoralVue
- Red Lobophyllia at Ecoxotic
- Scolymia Collection at World Wide Corals
- Red Eyed Green Chalice at CoralVue
- Sunburst Anemone at MACNA
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