Underwater Miniatures Make for Hilariously Creative Scenes

Harmony - Tunnel Maintenance by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

Sometimes aquarists take themselves way too seriously, so every once in a while it does some good to inject a bit of humor, or at least something to distract us from the hustle and bustle of tank maintenance and aquarium related headaches. So, when we stumbled across this very funny and very creative series of underwater miniatures, we knew we had to share. After spending a great deal of time photography nudibranchs in the Pacific, Jason Isley of Scubazoo decided it was time to mix things up. He took miniature figurines and placed them in the scene with various marine animals, resulting in some fun and interesting imagery. And what’s most fascinating about each image is that fact that many of the figurines mirror what the subjects in the photograph are doing. A prime example is the image of the construction crew performing “tunnels maintenance” alongside a yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp, which can be seen above. Those images that aren’t mimicking reef life are either defending against it as if the animal were a giant monster, or displaying the animals as inanimate objects like an umbrella used at the beach.

We caught up with Jason on his Flickr page, where we also first saw the image set, and he told us that he plans on doing more of these creative miniatures. He told us that his next trip (location was not disclosed) will last approximately two weeks and he should have 20 or so images with different miniatures. We love the 11 images he’s already posted so much, and we can’t wait to see what the next set has in store.

Harmony - Gardening by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

Harmony - Tidy Home by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

Harmony - Waste Management by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

Leisure - Sun Wormshippers by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

UW Attack - Hermit Crab by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

UW Invasion - Damsel by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

UW Invasion - Devil Scorpionfish by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isely/scubazoo

UW Invasion - Hermit Attack by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

UW Invasion - Mantis Shrimp by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

UW Invasion - Snake Eel by Jason Isley

Photo Credit: Jason Isley/scubazoo

All of these images are copyright material from Jason Isley. He has given us explicit written permission to use these images for this blog post, and this blog post alone. Please do not use these images without his permission. This image set was found on Facebook, shared from Chad Vossen.


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