Black Photon Clownfish Parents
Recently, AquaNerd has been discussing quite a bit about the new exotic and “designer” clownfish species including the Albino Clownfish, the ORA Platinum Picasso Clownfish, the McCulloch’s Clownfish, and even the C-Quest Wyoming White Clownfish.
Well now, we would like to introduce the Black Photon Clownfish. These, like the clownfish mentioned above, are very unique clownfish. But what sets these apart is the fact they they are hybrids.

Black Photon Clown Juvenile
*Juvenile “Black Photon” Clowns
The Black Photon Clownfish came about from the unusual pairing and subsequent

Black Photon Clownfish Eggs
breeding of an Onyx Percula Clownfish with a Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish. This all came about when Sanjay Joshi, considered a lighting guru amoung reef aquarium keepers, was visiting a friend in Colorado who had recently opened a fish store. Sanjay saw the female Onyx percula and male black and white ocellaris in a tank together and was told they had been a “pair” for “a long time”. Sanjay obviously purchased them and placed them in his tank. Several months later, the fish spawned for the first time.
After a few failed attempts at raising the offspring and having to battle a hectic work and travel schedule, Sanjay was able to hatch and raise a batch in early July. Ich unfortunately wiped out all of the offspring, but another batch was already on its way. The second batch was met with success. Sanjay was able to raise the fry to a much larger size, and eventually into adulthood.

Black Photon Clownfish
*A mature “Black Photon” Clownfish…the colors are just amazing
“The Odd Couple” by Sanjay Joshi
Reef Central Black Photon Clown Thread
Sanjay’s Clowns Club
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