Time to Nominate for MASNA’s Aquarist of the Year Award



It’s that time of year again when the aquarium hobby, as a whole, gets to select the standout individual who made contributions to the industry in ways that no others could for the distinguished Aquarist of the Year award. Presented by the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) each year at the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA), the recipient of the award is picked by MASNA members, which consist of aquarium hobbyists from all over the globe. Voting is currently open and runs through July 15, so be sure to get your votes in. The voting process itself is basically a “write in” vote, where you simply submit a list of three individuals you feel are deserving of the award. Once voting is closed, the votes will be tallied and a winner announced at MACNA, which takes place in Dallas at the end of September. For a full list of past award winners, please visit the MASNA Aquarist of the Year page, which is also where you go to vote. Please note that past winners cannot win again.


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