Touring the Waikiki Aquarium – Part 2


Peppermint Angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei)

A few days ago, we showed off a bunch of pictures from the first half of our tour of the Wiakiki Aquarium, and as promised, here’s the second part. While the first part of the trip focused primarily on the fairly new Northwestern Hawaiian exhibit that houses both male and female masked angelfish (Genicanthus personatus), the tank we focus on in this installment is the one that the peppermint angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei) and abei’s angelfish (Centropyge abei) both call home. The large acrylic aquarium that holds these two fish, which are the two rarest fish known to the aquarium world, is full of soft corals and is dimly lit, which obviously make the residents a little difficult to see. This is further exacerbated by the extremely timid nature of both angels, and we were fortunate that fish came out for a few minutes so we could take some decent shots.

Keep reading below for the rest of the photos.

Abei Angelfish (Centropyge abei)

Peppermint Angel - Waikiki Aquarium

Centropyge abei - Waikiki Aquarium

Racoon Butterflyfish - Waikiki Aquarium

Soft Coral Display - Waikiki Aquarium

Peppermint Angelfish Paracentropyge boylei

Purple Fungia Coral - Waikiki Aquarium

Foxface and Abei Angelfish - Waikiki Aquarium

Coral Frags at the Waikiki Aquarium

Paracentropyge boylei at the Waikiki Aquarium

Auriga Butterflyfish - Waikiki Aquarium

Paracentropyge boylei - Waikiki Aquarium

Massive Pagoda Coral - Waikiki Aquarium

Coral Aquaculture  - Waikiki Aquarium


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