Next Wave Conference Going Down in Dallas Next Saturday
If you’ve been looking to get your marine aquarium fix, then next weekend is probably…
If you’ve been looking to get your marine aquarium fix, then next weekend is probably…
Every year, my reef keeping buddies and I pile into a car and make the…
Being from Houston, the annual Next Wave conference hosted by the DFWMAS is always a…
As usual, the coral collections running around the annual NextWave conference were amazing. The single…
Single-day aquarium events are all the rage these days, with clubs all over the nation…
Next Wave, the annual coral and speaker driven conference hosted by the Dallas-Fort Worth Marine…
For those of you in Texas and surrounding states, the Dallas Fort Worth Marine Aquarium…
The annual DFW Marine Aquarium Society hosted NextWave event in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of…
Even though MACNA 2011 just ended a handful of days ago, the 2012 conference scheduled…
With MACNA 2011 currently underway on its very first day, next year’s conference has already…