Public Commentary on the Proposed Regulations for 66 Reef-building Corals Ends Very Soon
Even if you only spend just a few minutes on the net here and there,…
Even if you only spend just a few minutes on the net here and there,…
The aquarium trade is often the target for invasive species chatter, but it looks like…
The Disney Pixar smash hit about a clownfish seeking out his lost son was undoubtedly…
When people think of non-native species invading a particular area, they often blame pet owners…
According to a recent article on Fish Channel, a reef located near Phuket, Thailand is…
The owner of the Idaho Aquarium, Ammon Covino, and one of the aquarium’s directors, Christopher…
We try to take every opportunity to highlight reef conservation activities here at AquaNerd, and…
Here’s another shining example of why the marine aquarium industry shouldn’t be blamed for all…
As if the lionfish invasion in the Atlantic wasn’t enough, it looks like there might…
Back in 2009, the Center for Biological Diversrity (CBD) petitioned the National Oceanic and Atmospheric…